UH-16S Plan Set
The UH-16S features a wide, spacious cockpit that can be enclosed and heated. The wide body hull is an excellent choice for those interested in hunting and fishing. Its high payload capability makes it a great craft for island homeowners looking for a 4 season vehicle capable of transporting passengers, materials and supplies. A single engine provides both lift and thrust which increases reliability, reduces noise and makes operating the hovercraft simple.
Payload: 1,200lbs or 6 passengers
Crew: 1
Deck area: 60” X 72”
Length: 16.8 ft
Width: 7.2 ft
Speed: 50 mph
Cruise: 30 mph (full payload)
Fuel economy: 1.5 – 3.4 gph
Fuel capacity: 6 - 12 gallons
Thrust engine: 85 hp Subaru
Lift: Belt driven from thrust engine
Skirting system: Bag skirt
Payload: 1,200lbs or 6 passengers
Crew: 1
Deck area: 60” X 72”
Length: 16.8 ft
Width: 7.2 ft
Speed: 50 mph
Cruise: 30 mph (full payload)
Fuel economy: 1.5 – 3.4 gph
Fuel capacity: 6 - 12 gallons
Thrust engine: 85 hp Subaru
Lift: Belt driven from thrust engine
Skirting system: Bag skirt
How it works:
In addition to being extremely quiet, the single engine design makes operating the craft easy. Just squeeze the throttle and off you go. We have engineered the drive system to supply the correct amount of power to both the lift fan and thrust propeller at every throttle setting. For additional control you can add the variator. This variable pulley setup allows you to control lift fan speed independently of the engine speed. Independent control allows the operator to hover at very low or no forward speed and to reduce lift rpm at high speed or when traveling against the wind.
How it’s made:
It's built from a foam and plywood sandwich construction. The combination of these materials makes a low cost, high strength composite structure that is completely un-sinkable.
Joystick Steering:
A joystick controls three vertical rudders, one horizontal elevator and the twist throttle. Throttle has a friction lock setup that acts as a cruise control for long cruises. Lift fan rpm is controlled through our variable drive system that is electrically controlled from the joystick.
Flying a hovercraft:
Driving the craft is easy as it has only two controls; steering and throttle. Slowly advancing the throttle will bring the craft up on cushion. Adding a little more power accelerates the craft. Speed is easily controlled by increasing or decreasing engine rpm. First time pilots can learn to operate the hovercraft very quickly.
Where to fly:
Its useful for transportation over nearly any surface including; salt or fresh water of any depth, sand, mud, mangrove, rapids, floods, grass, swamp, desert, sand bank, ice, and snow. Also used for tour operations, passenger services and search and rescue missions. Hoverwing mode allows an additional capability of flying over the terrain. Potential applications include flying over corn fields, bean fields, saw grass, muskegs, reeds, ditches, hills, small trees and logs.
Plan Set:
Plan set includes 2 “B” size sheets of detailed technical drawings, step by step instructions and our Hovercraft Construction and Operation manual. All of the components are detailed in the plan. Technical support is provided to all customers.
Builders Support:
We offer support by email, phone or WhatsApp both domestically and internationally. Email technical support is offered at no cost. Phone and WhatsApp support are available at no cost for your first call. A support plan is required for additional direct support. Builder support is also available through the Hoverclub of America and many hovercraft related Facebook groups.
UH-16S Plan Set $ 49.00
Technical Support $19.00
*Prepaid with plan set - Save 20%